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Motorola DP4400e UHF radio c/w NiMH batt, belt clip & antenna

£408.10 (exc. VAT)
  • Belongs to the Mototrbo DP4000e series range.
  • Contains many advanced features such as high integrated voice and data for efficient communications.
  • Optional man down, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and indoor and outdoor location tracking.
  • The new Motorola E series of radios come with many different Battery, Charger, Antenna and Additional Function options.
  • Please contact us before purchasing to ensure that you are getting the correct package at a great price.

Mototrbo DP4400e is specifically designed for a skilled individual who refuses to compromise. With features such as high performance integrated voice and data and advanced features for efficient operation – it’s perfect for improving the connectivity of your business.

The Mototrbo DP4400e contains a series of excellent features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and indoor and outdoor tracking capabilities – all helping you to keep control of your business as it grows. It also has a better range, up to 8% so is ideal for larger sites. As well as this, it also contains a number of advanced features such as optional Man Down, over the air software updates, improved expandability, better waterproofing and a better battery life that can last for up to 28 hours. It also contains push-to-talk technology including a Transmit Interrupt feature that enables you to clear a line when necessary in the state of an emergency and delivers clear, loud sound which blacks out any background noise. With all these amazing features, who wouldn’t require this range of Mototrbo products in their workplace?

Within the DP4000e series are a set of models. The Mototrbo DP4801e and DP4800e are the full keypad models, the Mototrbo D4P601e and DP4600e have a limited keypad and the Mototrbo DP4400E AND DP4401E both have no keypad at all. This is the only difference between the models and they all include the same features and they both are available in both UHF AND VHF.

Overall, the Mototrbo DP4000e series range is an excellent range that would improve efficiency and productivity within every organisation with its set of advanced features. Who wouldn’t want this series of dynamic radios in their business?

The Motorola enhanced range of radios offers many variants and highly technical solutions to meet your radio needs.  Each part of the Motorola Enhanced family has different capabilities and add-on possibilities.  We encourage you to call to chat to one of our sales or technical team who can discuss your needs and produce a proposal based upon your unique – bespoke requirements.

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