Live stream training with Reece

To ensure continuity of service for critical safety training during the COVID-19 crisis we have converted some of our standard training courses into livestream training experiences.

  • All courses are intended to be Company Specific where examples used will be relevant to the delegates
  • The Company Specific courses can accommodate upto 50 delegates per session.
  • Our Open Course is a general course and open to any company and is available for upto 12 delegates per session.
  • Where acceptable to our clients, and strictly subject to COVID-19 protection being agreed in advance, we are still able to deliver on site training for these and all of our other courses. This is currently dependant on location and available overnight accommodation if needed.

Given our specialist subject fields we needed to ensure that courses are of the same standard and capable of meeting both IQA and EQA audits so we have limited delivery to the following:

Confined Space Awareness for Managers and Supervisors - Company Specific

This is a theoretical and desktop based training course which is suitable for all persons required to control confined space activities.

It is aimed at any supervisor who is required to control confined space activities and specifically required to issue permit to work in confined spaces as part of their work role.

Work at Height Awareness for Supervisors and Managers – Open Course or Company Specific

This is a theoretical training course assessed by desktop exercises and written examination.

It is aimed at any supervisor who is required to have an understanding of work at height issues and/or specifically required to assess height activities as part of their work role.

Participants will be required to develop controlling documentation based on realistic workplace scenario.

LOTOTO for Responsible Persons – Company Specific

This is a theoretical course designed to raise the awareness of delegates in accordance with requirements of UK Regulation and guidance including HSG253; PUWER 11, 19 and 22;

EAWR; BSEN 14118 and various other machinery related standards.

It is aimed at any person involved with or managing activities where there is a requirement for both “PERSONAL” and “GROUP” isolation locks or devices to be installed on fixed or mobile machinery or equipment configurations.

Permit to Work Issuer – Company Specific

This course serves as both initial training or refresher training and aims to provide candidates with underpinning knowledge of the Permit to Work procedure.

The course also looks at the techniques required to assess contractor documentation including risk assessment and method statement and manage the higher risk activities which demand that a PTW is issued.

The course SPECIFICALLY guides candidates through the correct methods of form completion and also illustrates the consequences of failure should documents be poorly judged and issued.

For more information on our training courses please take a look at our Reece Training and Consultancy Catalogue

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