
No.1 Lockout Tagout Specialist

Andy Graham

  1. Test

  2. Mission And Values

    Mission It is a fact that Lock Out Tag Out Try Out (LOTOTO) saves lives. Our mission is to help businesses introduce great products in a timely way, whilst simplifying the design and implementation of complex LOTOTO systems. We thrive in this specialist arena and always strive for quality in everything we do. We are constantly expanding our range of...
  3. Testabout

  4. About US

    Reece Safety has grown in size over the years and developed into a more complex and comprehensive business to manage our expanding range of products and services. Ensuring the Reece range meets the highest of standards is fundamental to making sure our safety padlocks continue to keep people safe at work. Our management team has been trained to provide information...
  5. Work at Height PPE Inspection Course

    PFPE1B- Two day course - Competent Person Course Intended for Our WAH PFPE Inspection Competent Person training course is for persons responsible for managing or undertaking the PPE inspection and thorough examination of PPE related to WAH and fall prevention. Introduction Delegates will gain a thorough understanding of equipment, its approval and its intended uses and from there outwards will...
  6. Work at Height PPE Inspection Course

    PFPE1 - One day course - Introduction Course Intended for Our WAH PFPE Inspection training course is for persons responsible for undertaking the PPE inspection and thorough examination of PPE related to WAH and fall prevention. Introduction Delegates will gain a thorough understanding of equipment, its approval and its intended uses and from there outwards will be shown how to...
  7. Blog

  8. Case Studies

  9. Site Supervisor receives suspended prison sentence after failing to complete Permit to Work.

    Site Supervisor receives suspended prison sentence after failing to complete Permit to Work.
    A site supervisor has received a four-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to pay costs of £1,000 after a site operative sustained muscle and tissue damage to his arm whilst repairing a conveyor line. An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that the site supervisor, who had control of the site in the absence...
  10. Offshore Wind Growth Partnership

    Offshore Wind Growth Partnership
    As a supplier of lockout tagout, arc flash and working at height safety equipment to a number of wind farms, including Triton Knoll, Dogger Bank and Seagreen, Reece Safety were keen to develop their understanding of this sector. Reece Safety are a member of NOF and as a result applied for a place on the Wind Expert Support Toolkit...

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