
No.1 Lockout Tagout Specialist

Advantage 200 Twin P3 R, EN 143 Filters

£9.60 (exc. VAT)

P3 R
EN 143 Filters

Advantage Filters, TabTec® and FLEXI filter

The Advantage filter line is a complete line of particulate, chemical and combination cartridges, providing the best in light-weight and high-performance filters.

The patented TabTec filter technology allows the design of high-performance filters that require only minimal housing.

With its extremely flat design, the MSA FLEXIfilter is a superb alternative to traditional particle filters. Available as P2 or P3, as well as with a layer against nuisance odors (OR) which also protects against ozone.

The three filter lines are for use with Advantage 3200, Advantage 200 LS and Advantage 420. Standard Thread Filters

The greatest experience and know-how, as well as one of the widest ranges in the market make MSA filters the first choice for users in all industries. The high-performance particle filter P3 PlexTec and all combination filters are using MSA’s PlexTec filter media.

The significantly increased filtering surface reduces breathing resistance and results in slightly more relaxed breathing as well as more compact filter housings.

The MSA 9X Series of Gas and Combination filters is in full compliance with the REACH regulation and does not include any toxic materials listed in the European Regulation. The Standard Thread Filters can be used with Advantage 3100 and Advantage 410. 

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