At the end of May 2021 there were nearly 260,000 pure electric cars on UK roads, nearer 540,000 if you include plug-in hybrids. Current statistics show that for the first time more hybrid electric cars were registered than diesel cars in 2021, Q2. As a result, vehicle service centres now require additional equipment to enable them to work safely on vehicles that carry very different risks to those of diesel and petrol vehicles.  BEV, HEV and PHEV’s bring the risk of fatal electric shocks, burns and arc flash blast.  

We have helped two dealerships this week with their workshop safety equipment which has included insulating rubber matting, insulated tools, arc flash helmets and visors, gloves and possibly most importantly electrical intervention kits.    

We’ve been asked why a rescue station is required: isn’t it just a board, fixed to the wall with no real purpose?  The answer is that everything in the workshop needs a home and nothing more so than the rescue hook that you might need, in an emergency, to save a colleague’s life. The rescue station means that the hook is always in the same place and everyone knows where that is. Our 1kV rescue hook station comes complete with clips to hold the rescue hook in place.   It has the added advantage of being printed with life-saving resuscitation techniques, invaluable in an incident whilst waiting for the emergency services. The first 10 minutes saves lives!  

The 1kV rescue hook itself has a 25mm diameter and 1000mm reach and is S-shaped so enable electric shock victims to be safely pulled clear by hooking either arms, legs or ankles. It is embossed with its year of manufacture and has an anticipated life of 10 years.  

Our intervention kits are in stock and ready to ship – please click here for more information.  

Source: Vehicle Licensing Statistics: April to June 2021, 29th September 2021. 



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