
No.1 Lockout Tagout Specialist

Andy Graham

  1. Confined Space Entry Medium Risk City & Guilds (Face to face)

    Confined Space Entry Medium Risk City & Guilds (Face to face)
    RSTC-CS-MED - 2 days course duration Intended for Plant fitters, engineers, communication installers, facilities management teams, and any person who needs to work in a confined space and requires the 6160-02 City & Guilds Qualification Introduction This is a theoretical and practical training course which is suitable for all persons required to enter confined spaces Subject modules Recognition & classification...
  2. Confined Space Entry Low Risk non City & Guilds (Face to face)

    Confined Space Entry Low Risk non City & Guilds (Face to face)
    RSTC-CS-LOW - 1 day course delivered either on site or at our fixed simulators at Bury or Elland. Intended for Plant fitters, engineers, communication installers, facilities management teams, and any person who needs to work in a confined space Introduction This is a theoretical and practical training course which is suitable for locations of minimal volume with adequate natural ventilation...
  3. Confined Space Entry Medium Risk non City & Guilds (Face to face)

    Confined Space Entry Medium Risk non City & Guilds (Face to face)
    RSTC-797F2F - 1 day course duration Intended for Plant fitters, engineers, communication installers, facilities management teams, and any person who needs to work in a confined space Introduction This is a theoretical and practical training course which is suitable for all persons required to enter confined spaces Subject modules Recognition & classification of confined spacesConfined space legislationSite specific risk assessment...
  4. Confined Space Awareness for Supervisors and Managers (Live stream)

    Confined Space Awareness for Supervisors and Managers (Live stream)
    RSTC-796L - 1 day (via livestream) course duration Intended for Any supervisor who is required to control confined space activities and specifically required to issue permit to work in confined spaces as part of their work role Introduction This is a theoretical and practical training course which is suitable for all persons required to control confined space activities Subject modules...
  5. Confined Space Awareness for Supervisors and Managers (Face to face)

    Confined Space Awareness for Supervisors and Managers (Face to face)
    RSTC-796F2F - 1 day course duration This course is intended for any manager or supervisor who is required to control confined space activities and specifically required to issue permit to work in confined spaces as part of their work role. This is a 1 day course and delivered in a face to face environment. Intended for Any supervisor who is...
  6. Specialist Safety Consultancy

    Specialist Safety Consultancy
    We assist organisations navigate the "journey" to robust introductions of Confined Space Entry, Working at Height and LOTOTO policies and procedures through our consultancy services. We will undertake the initial surveys, complete registers, deliver training and carry out audits to ensure such activities are done in a safe manner, achieving full compliance and not overspending on unnecessary equipment.
  7. Ladder Training

    Ladder Training
    Ladder use and inspection is a massively overlooked Working at Height risk and multiple serious injuries and deaths arise from such innocuous everyday equipment where the risks are not considered. Many companies thankfully do take it seriously and we have developed a proven training package around these professional organisations who demand more than a "tick box" online qualification.
  8. Permit to Work Training

    Permit to Work Training
    Our Permit to Work and Authorisation to Work training courses have been highly regarded for many years. Our preference is to deliver on site with small group training but we also offer remote live stream training for splintered groups and overcoming COVID restrictions
  9. Lockout Tagout Training

    Lockout Tagout Training
    Reece Safety is one of the leading equipment and solution providers in the World. We have made the unique step in building this experience into our range of Lock out Tag out training courses that can be adapted to suit the equipment purchased. LOTO training is needed to ensure the correct procedure is followed to safely isolate all energy...
  10. Working at Height Training

    Working at Height Training
    A full suite of courses are available with various forms of delivery. Our fixed centres at Elland and Bury have excellent simulators and our mobile unit can be used for such courses.

Items 31 to 40 of 62 total
